Restyle My Life: A Whole New Lifestyle For The Rest Of 2020!

Lets Chat: A WHOLE New Lifestyle For The Rest Of 2020!
Lets Chat: A WHOLE New Lifestyle For The Rest Of 2020!
Since we have made it through all of May, I thought it would be a great time to do a little update on all things centered around life! With the economies slowing opening back up and the wold being extremely cautious I guess it's safe to say we are all yearning for a little bit of normalcy to reenter our lives!! And since this space is a place of honesty ima just gone and say what I been wanting to say this entire time! I always thought working from home would be a dream but GIRL, I need routine and working from home all day AINT IT! As a matter of fact, I feel like its more work trying to work from home than it is actually showing up to work! I know I can't be the only one who feels this way! Like if I'm being honest again I also thought " if I had more time I would post on my blog and stuff more" when in actuality I stayed about the same! I am starting to realize that if I have 24 hours in a day then I don't want to spend all of it in front of a computer! That's sooo boring to me! When I was younger I thought I would LOVE to work from myself but now I'm realizing that ya girl needs structure, routine and human interaction! I am starting to think that I may feel that way because I was a dance major and we spent a lot of time hanging around each other and in constant collaboration! I guess one thing I am also realizing about myself is that I love the outside world! Every day when I log onto the internet I see different people saying they can't wait to get back to the day to day life such as waking up for work and attending the job that they THOUGHT they used hate!! Life is funny like that, it will truly show you that you should be more grateful for the jobs that you have and the daily opportunities as well!

That's why I am developing a whole new lifestyle for the rest of 2020! I plan to be more positive, grateful for my life and change the things that I am unhappy with! Life is already hard and doesn't mean we have to make it harder by focusing on all of the things that are going wrong at the moment! I know, this may be hard to do seeing as we are probably in some of the worst times of our lives but I truly believe that some good is gonna come out of this! I mean after every storm there is ALWAYS a rainbow right? I guess what I am trying to say is that from this point on ya girl is showing up to the court and I am ready to play by any means necessary....! What do you guys plan on doing for the rest of 2020? Let me know in the comments down below!

Always Living and Forever Learning,
Sha'Carey Martin

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