Sha'Carey Martin

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Thrifting Brings Me So Much Happiness Now That I Value The Importance Of A Dollar

Thrifting Brings Me So Much Happiness Now That I Value The Importance Of A Dollar
Thrifting Brings Me So Much Happiness Now That I Value The Importance Of A Dollar
For as long as I can remember, I have always been a bit careful about my money. I knew how to do the basics like spend wisely, save and of course pay my tithes and offering in the church. However, I did hit a point in my life where I was spending my money as fast as I was making it. Somewhere along the way, I had lost the true value of a dollar and was living my best Bill Gates lifestyle in the whole wide world.
Thrifting Brings Me So Much Happiness Now That I Value The Importance Of A Dollar
Now don't get me wrong, I think I knew what I was doing when I was spending money on expensive things but I think it was because I knew I would make the money right back again. I was in college and most of us thrive off of a master flex and eventually, I fond myself succumbing to the same lifestyle. However, it wasn't long before I realized that I needed to make some changes in my spending habits because I was starting to feel like I was working for nothing! I'll tell you one thing, nothing makes you think about your life like getting paid on a Friday but borderline broke by Monday! It's funny now but it WAS NOT funny then! Anyways....let's continue on shall we?
Thrifting Brings Me So Much Happiness Now That I Value The Importance Of A Dollar
It wasn't until I was spending the weekend with my mama is when I realized how much of a bargain shopper she really is! My mama knows how to be fly on a budget and someway or another, I had lost my bargaining roots! I knew how to be a better shopper but I just assumed that because I was making the money, that meant I should be able to spend it however I pleased! Well, I am here to tell you that not only is that the worst logic in the world but it's also not very beneficial. Because of my sudden realizations, I started to spend the following months thinking of ways that I could cut back on money!!
Thrifting Brings Me So Much Happiness Now That I Value The Importance Of A Dollar
How I Cut Back On Money With Thrifting/Budgeting
  • I started to buy most of my clothing items second hand and only spent money on things like Coats, shoes, and outerwear. I find that it is easier to build a wardrobe off of second-hand items when I already have the basics intact.
  • When I needed a new dress, I was determined to only purchase second hand. I don't think people realize how far $5 can take you on the clearance rack in the thrift store.
  • I also started to budget how I'm eating when I am shopping. I don't know about anyone else but every time I have a shopping day I always end up spending unnecessary money by eating out! I have learned that it is easier and cheaper to pack a little snack while I'm out and about around town! That way, any money that I do have left over can go to things that are actually beneficial and can be used in the long run as opposed to a quick bagel that usually costs $5!
Thrifting Brings Me So Much Happiness Now That I Value The Importance Of A Dollar
  • I always go to the thrift store with one to two items in mind! I like to stay focused that way I won't waste my time buying things I don't need. Normally, when I want to do a little thrifting I'll normally look for something like a dress and I will only focus on that for the day! I find that this works well for me because it stops any unnecessary spending I may do throughout the day.
  • Something else I love to do is only bring a certain amount of money with me. I normally set aside $20 to work with and more often than not, it's more than enough!! I never go over that amount because I want to remember to shop smarter and NOT harder!
  • Once I started to realize that I could get more for my dollar on "half-off" days, I made sure to keep a list of all of the places I love to shop at and their discounted days in my calendar. That way, I can always be prepared for all of the deals that may come my way! Remember, cheaper is always sweeter!
Thrifting Brings Me So Much Happiness Now That I Value The Importance Of A Dollar
At the end of the day, thrift shopping should be fun, affordable and relaxing. You should never spend a massive amount of money second-hand shopping because it was always meant to be affordable to the public. Grant it, some pieces are worth paying a little extra for BUT only if it is unique! Anyways, that's those are just a few tips and tricks that I use when I am out thrifting for the day! Do you guys have any hidden secrets when it comes to budgeting and thrifting? Let me know in the comments down below!

Always Living and Forever Learning,
Sha'Carey Martin