Sha'Carey Martin

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Kindness And Heart Will Set You Apart

Kindness And Heart Will Set You Apart
Kindness And Heart Will Set You Apart
Happy Friday everyone! I am so glad that we FINALLY made it to the weekend that I just don't know what to do! I can't wait to head out into the city and hang out with friends and family and just relax!
Kindness And Heart Will Set You Apart
I don't know about you guys but this week was a very busy week and I really want to detox and do more things that will make me happy! It wasn't until I was halfway through the week is when I realized that I can start doing things to enjoy RIGHT NOW, and not at some random planned time during the weekend! I always find that the more I try to plan, the more things never work out, so this time I am going to wing it for the rest of summer and see where it will take me!
Kindness And Heart Will Set You Apart
Today I decided to pop into one of my favorite coffee shops around the city to just enjoy the morning hassle free! As you guys know, I am going back to school to receive my teaching certification and that means I have been doing a massive amount of studying for the entrance exam. Needless to say, ya girl has been feeling very overwhelmed and that has made me want to give up on this entire process. I know I am being a bit overdramatic but I feel like when you're trying so hard to achieve a goal it is VERY normal to feel this way but it isn't a good idea to dwell in it for long periods of time.
Kindness And Heart Will Set You Apart
I have learned that when you are having moments like this, it's important to have a strong support system around you that will help and encourage you to keep going and make smarter decisions. That's why I decided to hang out with my mama today and have a little pow-wow about everything I have been feeling lately! She quickly assured me that this feeling is normal because I am in a place of transition and If I stick to it, it will be very much worth it in the end! I never knew how much I needed that little pep talk and now I am feeling better about life! I'm just here to tell you that this feeling happens to the best of us and that you just have to navigate your way through it the best way that you know how! Everything in life isn't going to be easy and once I accepted that, I was able to crack open my books and do a bit more studying for the evening!
Kindness And Heart Will Set You Apart
Anyways, after our little coffee date, we decided to head out into the city to do a little bit of shopping!
Kindness And Heart Will Set You Apart
I don't know about you guys but this girl LOVES a bit of retail therapy and nothing makes me happier than a sale on some of my favorite items! I honestly wasn't looking for anything in particular (bad news bears) but I honestly felt very relaxed window shopping and chatting it up with my mama!
Kindness And Heart Will Set You Apart
After looking around in a couple of stores my eyes did fall upon a few things that I might like! However, I needed to have some type of will power which meant I needed to narrow my choices down from 30 to 1! Ha! I normally do this by asking myself two things: Do you really need this? Are you really going to wear this more than once? And if the reply is "No" then I leave it, but if it's a "Yes" then I'm running straight to the checkout register! Ha!
Kindness And Heart Will Set You Apart
The one thing that I decided to purchase today was this little Boho Bandeau! As soon as I saw it I fell madly in love with it! I love that it is so versatile and can be worn in many ways! I am pretty sure that I am going to wear it as a headscarf wrap for those hot summer days in the city so it was definitely worth the purchase! Oh, and did I forget to mention it was on sale for $3? What an absolute steal!
Kindness And Heart Will Set You Apart
My Little Outfit
Today's outfit is super simple and super casual! I decided to wear my favorite little pink dress from Old Navy and my baby doll shoes came from the thrift store! I have also been rocking my handbag from Altar'd State and I am obsessed with it! I wanted to keep my outfit super chic and comfortable because I knew I was going to be hopping around the city today and I didn't want to wear anything annoying! :)
Kindness And Heart Will Set You Apart
Anyways, that's all I have to chat about today! Once again, happy Friday and I hope you guys enjoy the weekend! Remember, take time for yourself and enjoy all of life's little moments along the way!

Always Living and Forever Learning,
Sha'Carey Martin