Sha'Carey Martin

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A Day Of Fun Filled With Ice Cream Pops And Exploring + Some Serious Life Reflections As An Added Bonus

By Sha'Carey Martin
A Day Of Fun Filled With Ice Cream Pops And Exploring!
Happy FRIYAY Ya'll! Woop Woop! I don't know about you guys but I sure do have a lot of plans laid out for the weekend! The summer sun has been completely atrocious and stressful but that has not stopped me from bopping around town finding things to do. Like I said in a few posts back, summertime for adults is a very strange place to navigate! You want to be able to hit the city every day but then you remember that money doesn't grow on trees and you have bills to pay! Ha! Even though all of that may be true, I am still a firm believer that summer is as good as YOU want it to be. Sometimes you have to go back to those old school ways of finding simple things to do such as taking a walk in the park, or getting out to a little bookstore to relax your brain! Life has been a bit hectic lately and ya girl has needed a little R&R to get rid of some of this tension I have been holding in my brain. I ALWAYS say that you can control negative thoughts or anything that makes you sad so I have to practice what I preach and live my best life! Ha! For a second I felt a little guilty about twirling in the world today because there have been soooo many people passing away online and it's been making me feel a little frazzled but then I realized that that's no way to live life and you have to keep pushing through the changes and pray during the process. That is why today I CHOSE to have a day full of happiness and joy in honor of all of life's changes that have been happening lately.
By Sha'Carey Martin
In spite of having a massive toothache recently, I decided to treat myself to a little treat in the summer heat. I had already done a bit of exploring earlier in the day and it was definitely time to cool down before I continued on with the rest of my excursions!
Written By Sha'Carey Martin
I couldn't make up my mind on if I wanted Ice cream or a Fruity popsicle and I chose to go with the second option. I am a HUGE fan of ice cream but I have to eat it in moderation since I am lactose intolerant! AKA I love dairy but dairy does NOT love me! Ha!
Written By Sha'Carey Martin
I chose a Raspberry Lemonade pop drizzled with white chocolate and coconut drizzled on top! Yum!
Written By Sha'Carey Martin
As soon as I sat down, I could not wait to try it! I just knew it was going to be the best treat in the world and I totally deserved it! Sometimes you just gotta treat yoself and be ok with it!
Written By Sha'Carey Martin
Would this honestly be a proper blog post if I didn't take a selfie before I left? Of course not! Ha!
By Sha'Carey Martin
After I finished my treat, I felt cooler and ready to head out into the city again. I didn't have any clear plans on what I wanted to do BUT what I did know is I just wanted to walk around and clear my mind. I love to do this quite often because it gives me a break from staring at my computer and phone all day long (which can get pretty annoying real fast) and it makes me feel energized and refreshed!
Written By Sha'Carey Martin
As I was walking around I could hear people playing music and walking around discussing their plans for the weekend and I just felt connected with everyone around me. For the first time this week, I wasn't thinking about anything I had to accomplish and I really felt my brain truly relaxing.
Written By Sha'Carey Martin
This day just really reminded me that I need to take more time to pour into myself and my own visions and goals. I think this summer I spent sooo much time trying to figure out my next step in life, that I started to feel a bit overwhelmed. I don't even know what the BIG rush is because I am still young and as long as there is breath in your body then there is ALWAYS time to figure it out!
Written By Sha'Carey Martin
I guess I am saying all of this as a gentle reminder that no matter what you're going through, it will pass and life does get better. No one has the answers and quite frankly I am positive that a lot of us are making it up as we go! Ha! I don't know if any of you have ever heard this phrase before but  "Sometimes you just gotta let go and let GOD"! Ha! That's an old southern baptist saying which just translates to: It's out of your control, leave it at the altar and GOD will handle the rest!
Written By Sha'Carey Martin
As my day started to come to a close, I can honestly say I felt like a new person. it felt amazing to be out in the city and enjoying the sun on my skin. Ok, maybe I didn't enjoy the sweating but it's all about the experiences am I right? Of course, I am because I LOVE to be right! #LIBRAPROBLEMS
Written By Sha'Carey Martin
Ha, I am just kidding y'all! Just a little afternoon laughter for this wonderful Friday evening! Anyways, as the day started to come to an end, I started to realize that there things happening in this world that is truly out of my control but that doesn't mean I should spend every day worrying about a thing that I TRULY cannot fix. I am currently sitting here rounding off this post with a nice cup of coffee at 1:50pm and I am still feeling refreshed and energized about life. We as a people are working harder than ever right now and sometimes it's easy to lose yourself in the process. From this day forward I am choosing the easier route and opting out of overworking myself! It's probably going to be hard to break my old habits but I KNOW I can do it! I am going to plan more lazy weekends and days to relax no matter what is going on because that is what makes me feel refreshed at the end of the week. Whew, I just had to get that off of my chest! Ha! Well, my coffee is starting to get a little cool and I am ready to close down my computer and get chow down on a little late brunch that I made from home. What are you guys planning to do on this lovely Friday evening? How do you unwind after a long work week? Let me know in the comments down below!

Always Living and Forever Learning,
Sha'Carey Martin