Sha'Carey Martin

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A Few MARVELOUS Little Things That Has Sparked Joy In My Life This Summer 2019!

A Few MARVELOUS Little Things That Has Sparked Joy In My Life This Summer 2019!
A Few MARVELOUS Little Things That Has Sparked Joy In My Life This Summer 2019!
As July is coming to a close I realize that I had a pretty amazing summer! Even though July ending doesn't necessarily signify summer leaving but it does signify getting back into the daily grind of school/work and various other things. For some reason, July ending seems a little bittersweet because it means that I have to move forward with my plans for the rest of the year. I don't know about you guys but I just want to hold onto to summer for a few more moments but the reality is that it's somewhat over and we have to get ready for new accomplishments to enter our lives. If you're anything like me then you spent most of the summer hanging out with family, detoxing from life's stresses and eating yummy ice cream cones on your back porch during the late evenings. Even if you didn't do any of those things I am still sure that you encountered some of your own simple joys that you will probably remember in the near future. You see, the thing about summer is that it is only as good as YOU make it. So what if you didn't go on vacation, and so what you didn't get to do everything that was on your summer bucket list! All that matters is that you're HERE alive and breathing on what all of us human beings call planet Earth! I guess what I am trying to say is summertime brings different emotions to different people for different reasons but the one thing we ALL have in common is that we look forward to it every single year because it brings some type of joy and happiness into our lives! So with that being said, I thought I would pop over onto the blog today and share quite a few moments that have brought happiness into my life during Summer 2019! Let's go ahead and get started, shall we?

Dear Summer 2019
  • I just want to talk about how grateful I am for all of those yummy Snow Cones I was able to consume on the weekly! I don't think you guys understand how much I love those things and every time I eat one I get happy ALL OVER AGAIN!
  • And this won't be great without recognizing the number of quiet moments I spent in the library. I don't know about you guys but nothing brings me more joy than heading to the library, no makeup on and searching for my favorite books to quietly read! Ugh, I love it!
  • I was able to spend plenty of time with my family which was a major plus! Our house has been unusually busy this year and it was very refreshing to sit back and enjoy one another!
  • Something else I enjoyed this summer was getting consistent amounts of sleep! I don't care what anyone says but sleep/naps always hit differently during the summertime! Ha!
  • This one may be a little strange BUT I really enjoyed catching up on a few new releases from Netflix! The internet seems to be a bit blah now so I LOVE catching up on new movies that involve new concepts! No one likes watching the same redundant storyline over and over again and even though the movies can be a bit cheesy, it's been nice to see some fresh ideas!
  • Oh man, this should have been at the top of my list but can we talk about those makeup-free days!? I literally spent 80% of my summer barefaced and it was MARVELOUS! 
  • I also loved just hopping out of bed and throwing on a little sundress and tackling the day! I don't wanna hear any arguments about this but summer is the best/easiest season to dress for and that's FACTS! PERIOD!
Even though I could go on and on and on about how wonderful summer has been so far, I do realize that there is a small amount left to enjoy! For the next few weeks, I want to spend more time with my family and those cool breezy morning walks. I want to relish in my favorite snow cone flavor and listen to my favorite songs from the early 2000s! But most importantly I want to enjoy these last little moments of freedom before the real adulting phase starts to kick back into full gear. I'm wondering, what are you guys going to miss about summer 2019? Let me know in the comments down below!

Always Living and Forever Learning,
Sha'Carey Martin