Sha'Carey Martin

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The More You Grow Up, The More Summer Changes

A collection of thoughts about summer so far.
The More You Grow Up, The More Summer Changes
Hello and Happy Summer! How's July going for you so far? For me, it has been going well despite the fact that it has only been three days into the month! Ha! Anyways, I thought I'd pop on here and share a few thoughts about this summer and any other summer I have experienced prior to my summer 2019!
A collection of thoughts about summer so far.
I don't know about you guys but the older I get, the more summer just starts to feel.....different. I can't truly put my finger on it I just know that "summer vibes" are constantly changing and I can't stop it. I have yet to discover if this is a bad thing or not but for now, I am just embracing life for what it is.
A collection of thoughts about summer so far.
Back in the day, I used to anticipate summer like it was nobody's business! I could not wait to get out of school so that I could spend more time with my family and stay up all night long watching my favorite tv shows and movies! There was something so amazing about staying up all night reading a book or chatting up with my sisters about random things. Back then it didn't take much when it came to family entertainment because life was much simpler back then. There was no cellphones, computers or Netflix in our homes, it was just simple living. Sometimes I wish we could go back to a time where it was OK to be bored and spend the days outside playing with your neighborhood friends. Sometimes I wish vacation bible school lasted longer than two days and was offered to adults! Sometimes I WISH a whole lotta things that may not ever come back BUT at least I had the privilege to experience it and maybe one day I'll be able to share that with my own kiddos. I don't think anyone could have ever predicted that the world would evolve as quickly as it did yet here we are! Life is strange in a sense that one day you're asking your mama for permission to go outside to ride your bike with friends across the street and the next second your 28 years old with two degrees and typing on a blog in the 21st century! Ha!
A collection of thoughts about summer so far.
I don't mean to be melodramatic but aren't there a few things that you miss about those ole' summer days?? I could make an ENTIRE list of some of my FAVORITE things about summer in a quick second!
A collection of thoughts about summer so far.
Favorite Things About Summer's Past
  • Ice cream trucks! Why don't I hear those in the neighborhoods anymore? I don't know about you guys but my favorite treat from the ice cream truck was the "Flinstone Push Pop", "Tweety Bird Ice Cream", and the "Pink Panther Ice Cream" as well! Those were the best ones!
  • Who else misses going to an actual library to check out DVD's?? I do! Ha! I remember when Blockbuster closed down and everything was heading to that "digital switch" and everyone thought DVD's were going to be gone forever! My family and I would head to the local library and check out all of the Barney and Lion King movies to watch and it was so much fun!
  • Another thing we loved to do was gather together every Sunday for dinner after church! Since moving to the city, we don't do that as often anymore but when we were back home it wasn't uncommon for neighborhoods to gather together and eat together as well. 
  • Anyone else remembers those amazing birthday parties you had as a kid? I know I do! My summers were filled with so many moments at the skating rink, back yard BBQ's and endless summers riding my bike down the streets! What a time it was to be alive! I am a firm believer that today's kids are SERIOUSLY missing out!
  • I know this may be super nostalgic for some of you guys but who remember spending hours talking on the HOUSE phone with your best friend while you play your favorite Avril Lavigne song on your pink radio? Only me? Ok! Ha!
A collection of thoughts about summer so far.
And there are sooo many other things that were awesome about summer but a lot of those things and moments have changed. Nowadays I see more kids looking down at their iPhones and less of them out and experiencing life. Grant it, the source of entertainment has changed drastically and there are some pretty cool things happening on the internet but nothing will ever beat hanging out with friends and family eating a good dinner on Sunday evening. At the end of the day, there has been a major shift when it comes to summer. I can't tell if it's because I have to "adult" or if 2019 is the year of relaxation but whatever it is....I can feel the change. One thing is for sure, I want to enjoy this summer for everything that it's worth because I have so many life plans for the Fall and there won't be much time to play around anymore. Sometimes turning over a new leaf can be slightly overwhelming but in the end, it all turns out perfectly! I just want to soak up the last little bit of Sno Cones and days out in the city before it's time to get back to the grind of daily life! Besides, summer is still young and there is still so much to be accomplished! Apart of me wants to jump full speed ahead and another part of me wants to stop and smell all of the roses before I head to the next level in life. The awesome thing about living in the summer is that you can make it be as great as you want it to be and that's exactly what I plan to do! Anyways, I think I have done enough rambling for the night and I am going to head to bed! Just thought I'd share a small collection of thoughts about Summer so far and everything that I know it can offer. Cheers to summer 2019 and I hope it's amazing for you!

Always Living and Forever Learning,
Sha'Carey Martin