Meet Me At The Book Store Where The Phones Are Gone And The People Speak To One Another.....

Meet Me At The Book Store Where The Phones Are Gone And The People Speak To One Another.....
Meet Me At The Book Store Where The Phones Are Gone And The People Speak To Each Other
I recently went to the library to get a bit fo work/studying done and as soon as I entered the place I realized just how quiet the library actually is. I mean, I always knew the library was one of the quietest places on earth but since the invention of cell phones, I had noticed that people were in the library bus instead of being lost in a book they were instead lost in their phones. Now don't get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that because as a millennial I must say that I spend an unhealthy amount of time on my phone as well but it wasn't until recently is when I noticed that it became very annoying to me. But before you judge me, just give me a chance to explain...
Meet Me At The Book Store Where The Phones Are Gone And The People Speak To One Another.....
You see, I come from an era of pre cellphones AKA the stone ages! I know today's kids could not imagine a life without a phone in their hand but man oh man did those times actually exist! I was one of those young teens that begged my parents for a phone and thankfully I also had a set of parents who didn't see any need for one at the time. Though I am grateful for the choices they made now, I couldn't' see the benefits of those choices when I was an up and coming teenager and VERY interested in boys! Needless to say, I actually remember a time where there weren't any devices blocking natural human interaction. And most importantly there weren't any devices blocking me from the simple joys of reading either. I really miss going to the library where people quietly chatted to one another and raced to pick out the latest DVD's to check out! I miss that simple face to face interaction that everyone has seemed to let go this past couple of years. Actually, I miss a lot of things in regards to the early '00s.....
Meet Me At The Book Store Where The Phones Are Gone And The People Speak To One Another.....
Unfortunately, you cannot go back in time and you cannot change the way things are currently shapeshifting. The only thing you can do is keep up with the new waves and remember what once was much simpler times. But a tinnnnnny small part of me wants to believe that times will change and more people will opt-out of phone life... I just truly never know what could happen and that's the beauty of keeping hope alive.
Meet Me At The Book Store Where The Phones Are Gone And The People Speak To One Another.....
And as I sit here in my bed, sipping my coffee and rounding up the final words of this blog post I am taking pride in the fact that my phone is across the room out of arms reach. It may be a very small accomplishment but it is one that I am currently proud of. I guess I want to end this post by saying I want to become a bit more mindful of the people and things around me for the rest of this year. Honestly, there's not much going on in the internet world anyways so you may as well live your life right? Let me know what you guys think in the comments down below!

Always Living and Forever Learning,
Sha'Carey Martin

ALWAYS Choose To Shine, Live Your Best Life And Welcome Happiness From Every Corner!


I Am Addicted To The Coffee, Cheese Danishes And Misspelled Names! How Hard Can Carey Be?