My Go-To Breakfast Of The Moment: Yummy Coffee, Nutella And Banana Bagels!

My Go-To Breakfast Of The Moment: Yummy Coffee, Nutella And Banana Bagels!
My Go-To Breakfast Of The Moment: Yummy Coffee, Nutella, And Banana Bagels!
Hey yall, welcome to another day and another blog post! I don't know about you guys but ya girls is very thankful for today! I woke up in the best mood and I just can't really explain why! I am going to chalk it up to the fact that yesterday was the first day of Fall AND it rained outside! Maybe it's a sign that cooler weather is coming but either way, it goes I am soooo ready for it! Anyways, I was in such a good mood this morning that I decided to get up early and make myself a quick little breakfast. I don't know about you guys but I have always struggled when it came to eating early in the morning but in the past year or so I can honestly say that I have finally gotten the hang of it. It wasn't easy forcing myself to eat in the mornings but I really do feel like a more productive person because of it.
My Go-To Breakfast Of The Moment: Yummy Coffee, Nutella And Banana Bagels!
One of the very first things I like to do in the morning is making myself a yummy cup of coffee! I honestly cannot start my day without it OR ELSE I am going to be severely cranky! I am normally not too picky when it comes to the type of coffee creamer I consume but lately, I have been loving pumpkin pie spice with a dash of hazelnut. I never knew that combination was so amazing but you guys gotta try it! I wouldn't lie to you about how good something is and you already know that! Ha! Oh, and another thing I have been enjoying in the mornings is making sure that I have enough time to actually sit down and enjoy my coffee and not try to drink it when I'm in a rush. I feel like it tastes so much better when I am able to have a few minutes to myself and clear my head early in the morning!
My Go-To Breakfast Of The Moment: Yummy Coffee, Nutella And Banana Bagels!
And last but not least, one of my favorite things I have been loving in the morning is a good ole banana bagel with Nutella added on top! I always like to go a little step further and add fruit into the mix and today that fruit happened to be bananas! OMG, this combination is soooo yummy and I have been eating it every single morning. No don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my cookie butter but during certain parts of the Fall you can bet your bottom dollar that I am gonna have a jar of Nutella somewhere around the house! I am trying not to eat it toooo much because I don't want to burn out on it BUT it is going to be a staple piece in my life for the upcoming months! Anyways, that's all I wanted to hop over on the blog and chat about today. There isn't anything special going on over on this side of the town but rest, rain and getting a bit of work done! I am going to sign off for today and I'll see you guys tomorrow!

Always Living and Forever Learning,
Sha'Carey Martin

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