Sha'Carey Martin

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Five Monday Things: The Good, The Bad And The OH NO!

Five Monday Things: The Good, The Bad And The OH NO!
Five Monday Things: The Good, The Bad And The OH NO!
Happy Monday everyone! Today is that dreaded day that no one likes to see coming and yet it decides to show it faces every single week as if we are happy to see it coming!! Ha! Ok, maybe Mondays get a little bit more of the cold shoulder than it needs to but can you blame us? Monday means the start of the week and for 98% of the world, that means getting back into the grind of school and work and the many other endeavors that we have to accomplish before the weekend rolls around again! However, I may play for the other side of the team for a second and be the one to say that Mondays aren't as bad as they USED to be! Now before you guys start to lose your minds please hear me out on this one! I promise I have a good explanation for it all!
Five Monday Things: The Good, The Bad And The OH NO!
  • I don't know about you guys but I must say that I am my most productive when it comes to getting work done on Mondays! I guess now that I have entered adulthood I guess I can kind of say that it is my "Get My Life Together" day and that's normally when I plan out things for the rest of the week and catch up on everything I pretty much abandoned on the weekend!
  • Something else I kind of love about Monday's is how enthusiastic people are at the beginning of the work week! I mean hear me out. I feel like this is the day where people are more rejuvenated happy and ready to tackle the world! If anything, I think we all need to hate Wednesdays because that's the day that makes me feel like the weekend isn't arriving fast enough! Ha!
Five Monday Things: The Good, The Bad And The OH NO!
  • I am not gonna lie, sometimes when I wake up out of my bed in the mornings to go to work I must say that I WISH it could be Friday again but It can't! If we could all turn back the hands of time then I am pretty sure the entire world would be out of whack and then not liking Mondays would be the very least of our worries!
  • I must admit that there are a few Mondays that are on my list that I wish didn't happen but what can ya do? Sometimes you just gotta roll with the punches and let Mondays do its thing!
  • Last but not least, who would like to write a letter to the Mayor and ask him to make Monday an international day of "Get Yo Life Together" so that every person in the world can have that one extra day to fix their spirit before attending work the next day! Ha! I mean think about it, have you noticed that most people in the world are happier when they have had a four day weekend? Coincidence? I think not!
Five Monday Things: The Good, The Bad And The OH NO!
I know Mondays aren't everybodys favorite BUT maybe we would learn to love em a bit more if they didn't come with unfinished baggage from the week before! Ha! Anyways, what do you guys think about Mondays? Let me know in the comments down below! See ya tomorrow!