Quick OOTD: Cheetah Print Shoes and Fur Vests That Make You Feel Super Fancy!

Quick OOTD: Cheetah Print Shoes and Fur Vests That Make You Feel Super Fancy!
Quick OOTD: Cheetah Print Shoes and Fur Vests That Make You Feel Super Fancy!
Hey yall! Today's post is just gonna be a quick little check-in all about this little outfit that I pulled out of the closet this weekend! The days have been kinda chilly and so ya girl has been having to pull together a wardrobe faster than expected! You guys know I love looking for things that are cheap so you better believe I was pretty shocked when I found this little vest for a whopping $15! Yeah, you heard me correctly! This little thing was normally $30 but on this day, in particular, it was half off day so I was able to get this little number for an even better deal. Grant it, I wasn't going to buy it until the nice lady asked me to try it on and by then I KNEW I was in love! However, as soon as I arrived home I was soon met with the simple question of how am I gonna style this fur vest in my wardrobe?
Quick OOTD: Cheetah Print Shoes and Fur Vests That Make You Feel Super Fancy!
But you know it didn't take long for ya girl to pull something together as soon as possible. This little vest has so much potential but I decided to keep it simple and take the all-black approach. Always remember, that when it doubt, you can NEVER go wrong with solid dark colors! LIKE EVER! Anyways, I decided to pair this vest with a black dress from the thrift store and a pair of black tights!
Quick OOTD: Cheetah Print Shoes and Fur Vests That Make You Feel Super Fancy!
And of course, I decided to tie this entire look together by adding a fancy little boot that I have had in my wardrobe for a year now! I love these shoes sooooo much and I try to wear them as much as possible during the cold seasons because we ALL know how hot it truly gets in the south during those summer months! Ha! Anyways, that's beside the point, I am saying all this just to say that this girl LOVES these shoes and they are definitely a wardrobe staple piece for me during the Fall/Winter months this season!

With that being said, this little outfit makes me super fancy and cute and that's all that matters! Sometimes you really need to invest those outfits that help boost your confidence because I swear it makes you feel more productive in life! Grant it, I don't mind looking like a total pumpkin through the week but when the weekend comes you can't tell me nothing! Ha! Well, I have tried to dress better throughout the week but sometimes ya girl just falls through the cracks and I just can't help myself! But this season is gonna be different, instead of pulling out those old ratty sweaters, I want to put more effort into wearing the clothes that I actually buy! I know this season is all about throwing on those little oversized hoodies but DON'T do it too much!! You can dress cute more times throughout the week, trust me! Lol! Ok, well that's pretty much all I wanted to share over on the blog today! But before I go, I just have one little question! During the Fall do you like to dress on the cuter side or on the bummy/comfy side? Let me know in the comments down below!
Always Living and Forever Learning,
Sha'Carey Martin

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