Happy Diaries: Caramel Apple Spiced Cider Dates And A Little Chat About Living Life!

Happy Diaries: Caramel Apple Spiced Cider Dates And A Little Chat About Living  Life!
Happy Diaries: Caramel Apple Spiced Cider Dates And A Little Chat About Living  Life!
Good morning you guys! It's finally Friday which means I can relax and handle other things that I have bee ignoring all week! Ha! Anyways, I thought I'd pop on the blog today and share a little happy diaries post detailing all of the little things that brought me joy this week! So let's get started, shall we?
Happy Diaries: Caramel Apple Spiced Cider Dates And A Little Chat About Living  Life!
Honestly, I am just about as shocked as you are that we are already SEVEN WHOLE DAYS into February but whos counting? Anyways, I think this month has been 100 times better than January and I am soooo glad to finally be out of that New Year funk! I don't know about you guys but I am normally a bit more motivated during this time of year BUT ya girl just couldn't' get it together! However, so far February has been popping and I cannot wait to share a few things that I have been getting into!
Happy Diaries: Caramel Apple Spiced Cider Dates And A Little Chat About Living  Life!
First things first, I was finally able to follow my "eating out less" rule for the New Year. I am on the road so much during the week and it is soooo easy to eat such awful foods BUT I only at out ONCE for the entire week which is pretty much a great accomplishment for me! I want this year to be all about saving money and making better decisions and I feel like I am on the right track to making that happen in my life at the moment!
Happy Diaries: Caramel Apple Spiced Cider Dates And A Little Chat About Living  Life!
Of course, you know this wouldn't be a post if I didn't talk about the little thrifting gems that I have been finding lately. If you read my previous post then you know I showed a few cute items that I scored from the thrift store and I have been rocking them like crazy! I have been getting into collecting dainty earring pieces again and now I am wondering why I ever stopped! Ha!
Happy Diaries: Caramel Apple Spiced Cider Dates And A Little Chat About Living  Life!
PS: I just want to say that last week not only did I take the week off BUT I got me some amazing rest and now I feel nice and rejuvenated.  I cannot stress enough how important it is to rest when you need to and truly take those moments for yourself! It really makes the world of a difference and now I feel like I can accomplish what I need to for the week!
Happy Diaries: Caramel Apple Spiced Cider Dates And A Little Chat About Living  Life!
Also, I know this may seem like such a small thing to be excited about but not only did I deep clean my room but ya girl has also gotten an entirely new bed and sheet set! Yall, I don't know what it is about new covers but I swear I slept like a baby!
And last but not least, I was able to sit and watch Aladdin on Disney+! The movie was super cute and funny and my sisters and I really enjoyed it! We have been trying to schedule a movie night every week but it's actually turned into more of a monthly thing! Hey, it's not as frequent but I'll take it! I guess I just haven't realized how busy we've gotten over the years but hey, that's apart of growing up! 
Well, that's just a little look at all of the things that have brought me joy this week! I am going to sign off the blog for the morning and handle some business! But before I go, let me know in the comments down below two things that made you happy this week! Have a great Friday, you guys!

Always Living and Forever Learning,
Sha'Carey Martin

Here Is What I Am Wearing Today: Cute Jeans And Thrifted Handbags OH MY!


My Favorite Pecan Monster Croc Candy Apple From The Chocolate Crocodile!