Restyle My Life: A Little Bit Of This + A Little Bit Of That!

Restyle My Life By Sha'Carey Martin
Restyle My Life: A Little Bit Of This + A Little Bit Of That!
Hey guys and welcome to a brand new blog post! I thought I would pop on here and share the fact that I have a little life series happening on my youtube channel at the moment if you require a bit of entertainment during these very interesting times! Anyways, enough about that! How is your day going? Oh, and Happy Easter of course! Easter is one of my favorite holidays and even though I want able to celebrate it the way I wanted I am very grateful that I am alive and well to even see another day alive! 

Anyways, I have been thinking about a few things and I am ready to make some changes In my life. I am learning more than ever that life should not be taken for granted and I need to do MORE things that make me happy! For me that means clearing my plate, making time for important people in my life and of course accomplishing more of my personal goals! Honestly, I wouldn't change anything about my 20's but I will definitely be spending the last year of my 20's getting ready to feel 20, flirty and thriving! LOL!

But until then, I just want to sit back, relax and enjoy this new version of life that we are all experiencing at the moment! Welp, that's all I wanted to hop over on the blog and share today! I hope you enjoy your holiday weekend the best you can and stay blessed! Stay safe out there yall and see you guys around soon!

Always Living and Forever Learning,
Sha'Carey Martin


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