Happy Diaries: Thrifting, New Coffee, And Making Progress

Hey guys and welcome to a brand new blog post! I thought I would hop on the blog today and share a list of things that have made me happy this week! I know 2021 has been off to a slow start BUT I honestly do feel as if things are getting a little bit better! Maybe it’s just me feeling a bit too optimistic but I think we could all use a little bit of positivity right now! We’re halfway through March and I just want to make it count! I feel like I kind of drug my feet in the beginning and now I have a lot of catching up to do! Well, enough of me chatting, let’s get into the things that have been making me happy lately!

Happy Diaries

  • I was able to get out to the thrift stores recently and I was happy about what I saw! You guys know lately I haven’t been able to find any good deals and thrills but today was kinda different! One of the first things I was able to find was this cute pink vintage dress for $2.99 and a pantsuit for $3.29! I am a little bit behind on finding outfits for Spring so I was really happy about my new thrifted finds this week.

  • I tried out a new iced coffee this week and it was soooo good! There was a little coffee shop that started selling Lavender + Honey iced coffee and it was sooo amazingly yummy! I have been making coffee from my house for the past few months so it has been really nice to treat myself to coffee from a cafe every once in a while.

  • I had an online interview this past week and I am pretty sure it went well. The world of Zoom seems to be here forever and this is just one of those things where I am very proud of the fact that I know how to project myself on camera. Interviews can be a little bit daunting but at the end of the day, that’s the only way to move of the job ladder in life! Ha!

  • Can we talk about these new shoes that I thrifted recently? Ok, ok, ok, I’m gonna be honest, my mama actually found these first and she suggested I purchase them. That was probably the best idea she’s had in a long time because these shoes are super cute. I really want to focus on comfortability this Spring and these shoes are the first great purchase of the season.

  • Ok so I know this one is silly but I CANNOT stop laughing at WandaVision edits across the web! They have all been super funny but the Vishawn edits truly take the cake! Ha! I also fell across a video on TikTok where the director talked about seeing all of the tweets about the show! I just have peace in my heart knowing Paul Bettany has seen what he did to people when he wore that black turtle neck! Lol! I plan on actually watching the show this week but I have just been super busy! I heard that it’s supposed to be an interlude to what will happen in Doctor Strange 2 and I cannot wait! Doctor Strange is my Top 3 favorite superheroes so if he’s in the movie I’m definitely ready!

    Ok, guys, that’s pretty much all I wanted to chat about today! I have soooo much work I need to do and it won’t get don’t get done if I spend all day writing blog posts! Ha! Anyways, that’s all for now! Stay safe out here and see you guys around!

    Always Living and Forever Learning,

    Sha’Carey Martin


Its March So I Wore Red Knitwear


Here Is The One Thing I Always Score From The Thrift Store