That Was Never My Intention

Hi guys and welcome to a brand new blog post. One of these days I will find a new intro but for now, we will stick with that. Ok, let me set the tone for you guys…. I am currently sitting at my table, drinking a cup of coffee and settling down from a very busy weekend. If you have been a long time reader of this blog then you know I like to keep my weekends “booked and busy” but since the pandemic, I haven’t been that much of a busy bee. I have been more of a “build my career and be lazy in between kinda bee”, and I am kinda over that lifestyle. I am learning quickly that it’s not healthy to focus so much on work even though we ALL need to work to survive in this world.

A funny thing happened….

I was speaking with my Dad a few days ago and he told me “you need to slow down, you’re going to work yourself too hard too soon”….! I swear to you, I have been thinking about this ever since he said it to me. You see, my Dad was quite the workaholic in his day (which is why I am a workaholic myself), so I am pretty sure he doesn’t like the road I am headed towards at the moment. However, things are different now, there’s too much I have to think about. There’s retirement, healthcare, dental care, personal savings, and LORD knows don’t even get me started on bills. Grant it, I live with my parents so things have always been relatively easy for me. I have NEVER had to worry about those things and chase my career and for that I am forever thankful. But one day, you gotta fly the coop and you must be fully prepared to navigate this world. I don’t want to just survive, I want to thrive, and in order to thrive, you MUST be a hard worker. It’s the facts.

It was never my intention to be such a meticulous person. It’s just who I am, it’s who I have always been and it’s who (I am assuming), how I will always be. But what is a life that is carefully calculated? What is a life with so little errors that even the pope would fall asleep reading it? Clearly this answer will depend on the person, but for me it has been “A ok” 👌 .

For me, it has been the best way to live out my 20’s. Grant it, it has been pretty boring in nature but I guess that depends on how the story is presented. Once, someone asked me what I had been up for the last decade of my life and I went into the whole spiel about how I have danced, performed, garnered more education blah, blah, blah, and they simply responded with “oh, well when are you going to start a family” or “when are you going to get your own place”, or “when are you going to this, when are you going to that” and I was annoyed! Massively, annoyed. I could tell people I am next in line to become Queen, and they will still turn around and ask about my King. Grant it, I am aware that it is normal for people to be somewhat nosy, but most people that do have snarky comments couldn’t light a candle to what I have accomplished by 30 years old. Success isn’t wrapped up in other people’s perception of you, success Is YOUR perception of you…

And how do I feel right now? Well, right now I am super proud of myself. I am proud of the career I am building and my carefully calculated life that I want. It may not be what you desire, but it is what I have and love. And that’s all that matters to me. Let’s make this the year we flourish in our ideas, our careers, our lives and of course in love.

I hope this post finds you well on this fine Tuesday morning. As you can see, I am sticking to my word about blogging more, and I must say I am loving it all over again. Ok, I never not loved it, I have just been super busy 😃. Ok, bye y’all lol!

Always Living and Forever Learning,

Sha’Carey Martin


All About Those Overalls


The Time Keeper Is Ringing The Bell