Happy Diaries: My Favorite Book, Matcha, and Polaroids!

Hey guys and welcome to a brand new blog post. I just noticed it has been awhile since I have made a “Happy Diaries” post and I just figured today is the perfect time to bring these back. So without further ado, let’s jump right into it!

Happy Diaries

  • I finally was able to find a brand new Nicholas Sparks book called Dreamland. As you guys know, he releases a new book every year, and I read every single one. I normally read digitally but lately, I have been interested in building my paperback book collection so that I can give my eyes a break from the screen. So if you are thinking about reading “real books” again, then I suggest you do so.

  • Yall, I am more than happy to announce that I have been migraine free for some time now. To be honest, I don’t know if it’s the fact that I switched up my diet OR if it’s the fact that I work from home now BUT either way, my headaches have been far and few lately. If you are a chronic migraine sufferer, then you KNOW how horrible they can be, so I am soooo grateful to have a bit of relief lately.

  • Ok so… you guys know how much I LOVE my matcha! It doesn’t matter what cafe I go to…I just have to order it. Well, this week I tried a new cafe and they offered Matcha with lavender and I was soooo happy! Lavender is my absolute favorite flavor and it makes any drink taste ten times better than before. My only regret is that I didn’t order a size large!

  • While were on the topic of Matcha, I officially brought my first Matcha powder to make from home. I haven’t tried it yet because I still need to get a few items for it, but as soon as I make my first cup I will let you guys know!

  • I know this one may sound a bit silly but ya girl has been sleeping in a little later than usual and it has been nice. I truly believe living a soft life begins with REST….and I will forever stand by that statement. Besides, I believe getting “too little” sleep ages you faster and I don’t want to look 85 years old when I am only 32! Ha!

  • I haven’t been the BEST with my savings but I have an action plan in place for 2023 and I believe I can accomplish my financial goals before the end of the year is over. If you’ve been watching my Youtube Videos for some time now then you know I have been preaching a lot about financial freedom and choosing a career path that works for you. So I am taking my own advice and putting together an action plan for my future, so stay tuned.

  • You guys know how much I love to collect old records, so what would this blog post be without taking a quick browse through the vinyl section to see if there was anything new! I don’t know what it is but music that plays from a record just sounds sooo beautiful! If you don’t have a record player, I highly suggest you get one!

  • I also spent some time taking more photos around the city. One of my goals for the end of the year was to be more consistent on my blog and to spend more time practicing my photography and I feel so much happier that I am sticking to my promise to myself.

  • I am proud to say that I have NOT been spending too much time consuming social media. I personally don’t like to spend all of my days watching TikToks or Instagram because it can be sooo draining. I have been very conscious about monitoring my screen time and I swear it has worked wonders for my mental health.

Well, kudos to you if you’ve made it to the end of the blog post That’s all I wanted to share with you guys today, and I will see you in the next blog post.

Always Living and Forever Learning,

Sha’Carey Martin


Nothing To Say, But Here’s My Outfit


I Really Hope You Understand