Nothing To Say, But Here’s My Outfit

Hey guys, and welcome to a brand new blog post! In a rare turn of events, I am writing this blog post on the DAY that it needs to be posted. I will honestly say that I have so much content to edit but I just haven’t brought myself to edit it.

Anyways, enough of that. Let’s get to the most important part of this blog post and that’s this lovely outfit of the day. I am aware that we are in the middle of winter YET I am dressed like it is the first day of Fall! I personally love this type of weather and it’s only concerning because of ya know….. global warming! Anyways, everything that I am wearing is thrifted. If you have been watching my Youtube Channel then you already KNOW I have been sharing all of my latest thrift finds on the occasion! I kind of slowed down thrifting during the pandemic but lately, I have been finding a few hidden gems. I am just one of those people that loves to get dressed and when I can’t find any cute clothes I get sad lol!

Well, that’s the only thing I have to say at the moment. I have a pretty busy week this week, so I plan to take some pictures! Anyways, I hope you guys have a lovely week! Chat with you soon!

Always Living and Forever Learning,

Sha’Carey Martin


Orange Leaves In The Winter


Happy Diaries: My Favorite Book, Matcha, and Polaroids!