Is This What We Need Right Now?

Hey guys and welcome to a brand new blog post! I cannot tell you how happy I am to finally be free from school! I can seriously tell you that I will never, ever go back to school again! I do believe that I have learned everything that needs to be learned in life and I am a Master of education now! Anyways, all jokes aside, I bet you’re wondering…what are you going to do now?? And the answer is the same as it ever was, I am going to work and eventually start my own business.

I’m not gonna lie, when I first started graduate school I never saw myself as a business owner. I just knew I wanted to work within the digital marketing space and that was kind of it for me. However, now that I am navigating the marketing space, I realize I want to have something that I can call my own. I think the more the economy starts to crumble, the more people are starting to realize that a second income is almost necessary to live a decent life. I know people don’t like to talk about the economical state of the world but it’s almost hard to ignore with the cost of living rising WAAAAY over people’s heads at the moment. It’s so weird to think that I am now 31 years old, I remember the recession of 2008 and it feels like this all over again, except a little more intense. All of sudden life just feels more important than showing outfits and making content on social media. As a matter of fact, it’s starting to feel a bit more….intense and rushed…

But even in spite of all of life’s changes, I still have major faith that we are all going to wake up from this simulation and things will go back to the way they were. Wait a minute, let’s hope that things won’t go back to before, but let’s hope it gets better. Sometimes we want to go back to better times that weren’t necessarily “better” but things just felt easier. I don’t think there is anything wrong with that but I do believe craving the past makes you miss out on the future.

One thing about me is this, I am banking on my future self HARD, and I do believe that I will achieve everything I set my heart to. Well, I wasn’t sure where this blog post was going to go today but I sure didn’t expect it to land on this topic. I guess sometimes you really have to write what the heart needs to say. Anyways, that’s all for now. I plan to spend the rest of my Sunday eating well, cleaning up a bit, and taking a well-deserved rest day. Since I am out of school, I plan to make more time just writing my thoughts out on my blog. Even though the mediums of consuming content have switched to predominantly video, I can honestly say that blogging and writing will continue to be my first love. ❤️

Always Living and Forever Learning,

Sha’Carey Martin


A Life Worth Waking Up For


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