A Life Worth Waking Up For

Hey guys and welcome to a brand new blog post. I am just hopping on here to do a little chit-chat for the day. As you all know, I am pretty flaky, BUT that’s only because “life” is constantly spinning off its axis for me. One day, things are really chill, and the next day things are super chaotic. However, in the midst of all of that, you still have to make time for all of the things you love, or you will wake up one day and BAM….life has passed you by!

Anyways, that’s neither here nor there. I have more important things to talk about, and that’s the constant shape-shifting of social media. Unless you have been living under a rock, you can’t miss the changes that have been happening on Instagram. The app has decided that they want to prioritize videos and shift the focus from photography. If you have been following me on the internet for some time then you know how much I LOVE photos. Even though this is a sad shift, I think this is one of those “important” moments where we should always remember the value of running a website.

I used to be a “daily blogger” and I think I will get back to posting my photos on my website and not so much on social media. Don’t get em wrong, I love making videos BUT I think photography is not something we should disown just yet!

Anyways, those are my current thoughts at the moment. I have a lot of changes happening in my life over the next few months and I will be sure to document them as best I can! Thank you for spending some time with me today!

Always Living and Forever Learning,

Sha’Carey Martin


Let’s Get Back To The Basics


Is This What We Need Right Now?