Let’s Get Back To The Basics

Hey guys, and welcome to a brand new blog post. I finally have a little time on my hands and would love to share a few thoughts. So let's jump right in shall we? First, I recently returned from a week-long vacation out of town with my family, and it was amazing. It was a much-needed vacation and I always cherish the time I can spend with the other side of my family. I feel like I can detox and unwind without any interruptions when I am there. Another thing I love about visiting my family is flying in an airplane. I GET why people hate them so much, but I get high for some reason. I always pray before I get on board and leave the rest up to God. I truly believe you can’t live your life afraid because it’s not healthy.

I’d Love To Travel More, Ya know?

I really want to start a bucket list of travels to complete in 2024. I just need to pick 3 simple places and I feel like that would be a great place to start. I will keep you updated on the places I decide to try on the blog, so be on the lookout for that pretty soon.

Unless you have been living under a slapping rock, I’m sure you have noticed that we are at the very end of 2022. That is so wild to me and I truly believe I may be in denial about it a little bit. As I reflect on the year, I can honestly say I accomplished sooo much this year. I was able to graduate with my MBA, climb the career ladder, and many other important milestones in my private life. Even in spite of all of that, I still feel like I could have been doing more, accomplishing more, and learning more. However, after some thought, I do realize that is a toxic mindset. It’s best to start living life where you’re at, no matter your financial or educational status. I really believe that the more you wait to reach a certain goal before you reward yourself with happiness, the more miserable you will be…

I REALLY want to start writing for myself daily again…

When I first started blogging, I remember I would take a few photos, open my laptop and write about whatever would cross my mind. Things felt much simpler back then, however, over the course of years, blogging and social media have truly changed. Like most people, I never thought I would make a career out of this but it just felt like a natural next step. One of the reasons I stopped blogging as much was because of the rise of video content and social media platforms. Somehow over the years, I have lost my “way” on the internet trying to keep up with all of the modern-day changes. I just recently decided to focus on the content that I want to make, and what brings ME joy. I have learned over the years that if you try to make content for a “specific audience” then it will drain you. To be fair, I was never the type to follow the algorithms of the interwebs, but I did find myself creating content that was draining me mentally. At the core of my content is me, and that is all I am interested in showing from this day forward. I want to share my career journey, pieces i’ve thrifted, and my favorite coffee of the day. Those are the things that matter to ME.

I also want to focus a bit more on my personal life. Can ya believe I just turned 32 years old? That is freaking insane! There are a few things I have noticed since I entered my 30s that I really want to address:

  1. No one really asks me when I am going to have kids or get married anymore. However, when I was in my 20’s that’s ALL people would ask. It was as if people were kind of expecting me to start a family with a dance degree and no real career to my name. However, now I have it together and what do I hear? *crickets*

  2. Every year when I celebrate my birthday, I never feel the age that I turn. However, this year I FEEL 32 years old. I really can’t explain what that means yet, but I will keep you posted.

  3. I know I should be adulting harder, but honestly, I am just NOT interested. As a matter of fact, I have already mentally retired from anything that may cause me stress lol!

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.

A good ole picture of my coffee. I decided to drink somewhere other than the Bucks and I would 10/10 recommend it 🙌.

Ahhhh here we are, we have successfully made it to the end of this blog post. I am actually proud of myself for sitting down and writing so much lol! To be fair, I was able to finally sit down and write this post simply because this week has been an absolute whirlwind of chaos lol! Maybe I will go into more detail about it in the next blog post. Anyways, that’s all for now. See you next time!

Always Living and Forever Learning,

Sha’Carey Martin


Watch My Career Diaries on YouTube!


A Life Worth Waking Up For